


with code “VIVOVOJO”

Protect your body from electromagnetic waves

Magnetic compensation oscillator

The Compensating Magnetic Oscillator (CMO) neutralizes the effects of electromagnetic radiation from everyday appliances, helping to protect the body from harmful waves and maintain the natural energy balance.

-10% off with code VIVOVOJO

193.50€ INCL. VAT


Discount applied with code “VIVOVOJO”.

  • Blue | #3C8CA9
  • Gold | #CEA96C
  • Grey | #AEB1B4
  • Violet | #9F8AB5

100 m² protective bubble

Compensate for the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation from appliances on a daily basis with a protective bubble measuring around 100 m² on the ground.

-10% off with code VIVOVOJO

359.10€ INCL. VAT


Discount applied with code “VIVOVOJO”.

200 m² protective bubble

Compensate for the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation from appliances, on a daily basis, thanks to a protective bubble of around 200 m² on the ground.

-10% off with code VIVOVOJO

446.31€ INCL. VAT


Discount applied with code “VIVOVOJO”.

  • 1 pers | 446,31€ | 495,90€ | 1-person protection pack | Protect yourself wherever you are, with the CMO pack for 1 person with one CMO for the home, two for travel, two for small equipment and two for large equipment. |,82.html
  • 2 pers | 626,13€ | 695,70€ | Protection pack 2 persons | Protect yourself wherever you are, with the CMO pack for 2 persons with one CMO for the house, two for travel, two for small equipment and two for large equipment. |,112.html
  • 3 pers | 852,12€ | 946,8€ | 3-person protection pack | Protect yourself wherever you are, with the CMO pack for 3 people with one CMO for the house, three for travel, three for small equipment and three for large equipment. |,158.html
  • 4 pers | 1227,15€ | 1363,5€ | 4-person protection pack | Protect yourself wherever you are, with the CMO pack for 4 people with one CMO for a large house, four for travel, four for small equipment and four for large equipment. |,114.html
  • 5 pers | 1453,14€ | 1614,6€ | 5-person protection pack | Protect yourself wherever you are, with the CMO pack for 5 people with one CMO for a large house, five for travel, five for small equipment and five for large equipment. |,115.html

1-person protection pack

Protect yourself wherever you are, with the 1-person CMO pack with one CMO for the home, two for travel, two for small equipment and two for large equipment.

-10% off with code VIVOVOJO

66.6€ INCL. VAT


Discount applied with code “VIVOVOJO”.

Protection for important equipment

Protection against electromagnetic radiation from computers, televisions, induction hobs, microwave ovens.

-10% off with code VIVOVOJO

51.3€ INCL. VAT


Discount applied with code “VIVOVOJO”.

Protection for small equipment

Protection against electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, tablets, GPS and babyphones.

-10% off with code VIVOVOJO

133.2€ INCL. VAT


Discount applied with code “VIVOVOJO”.

Portable microwave protection

Protect yourself on the move with this portable CMO, which reduces hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves over a perimeter of 10 to 12m² on the ground.

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