The burn-out

Many experts believe that this problem could concern people who don’t know how to say no, who are constantly dedicated and perfectionists. Discover the mechanisms at work that keep you in an iterative process, damaging your mental and physical health.

Understanding and overcoming burn-out

Burn-out is also a response to prolonged and excessive stress, often linked to the work environment, but its repercussions affect all aspects of daily life. This phenomenon leads to intense fatigue, both physical and mental, which can affect quality of life and overall health.

Our aim is to give you the keys to understanding burn-out, recognizing its warning signs and discovering, before it’s too late, solutions to restore your mental well-being.

Practical resources

You have access to advice and tools to help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life on a daily basis.

Clear, accessible information

Our dossiers and content are written by experts to help you understand the treatments and care best suited to your situation.

Burn-out, understanding what it is

Deciphered by our experts

Nos vidéos traitent du bien-être et de la prévention du burn-out avec des conseils pratiques pour vous accompagner au quotidien.

Life stories

Testimonials show that with the right strategies, burn-out can be overcome!

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