In this new dossier, Alice Dénoyers, dietician-nutritionist, specialist in psycho-neuro-immunology and coach specializing in anti-inflammatory nutrition, talks to you about emotions and food. Emotions are the basis of our psychic and emotional construction. They are influenced by our environment, our culture, our country, our religion, our family circle and our life experiences. Correct emotional management ensures a good bio-psycho-social balance. On the other hand, unresolved emotional conflicts, traumatic experiences or maladaptive behaviors will have a negative influence on our lives. We are a tree of emotions, intrinsically linked by multiple leverage and feedback effects. Our emotions have a direct influence on the way we eat and metabolize food. Similarly, our food choices have a profound impact on our mental health. Have you heard about the relationship between the microbiota and the brain? It’s an exciting and very promising area of research. Discover the power of emotional and stress management, combined with the right food choices (anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant foods) to optimize your physical and mental health.