Dossier vidéo

The thyroid

Discover all the secrets of this gland, essential to your daily health and well-being!

In this new dossier, Alice Dénoyers, dietician-nutritionist and specialist in autoimmune pathologies, presents all the facets of a gland too often ignored: the thyroid. In the monographic video, she highlights the general characteristics of the thyroid gland, the multiple functions of thyroid hormones, thyroid pathologies, the various treatments available and the role of diet in improving the symptoms of Hashimoto’s autoimmune hypothyroidism. The thyroid, a small gland located at the base of the neck, produces hormones with powerful effects on every cell in our body. It is involved in our development, growth and metabolism. It regulates vital functions such as heart rate, thermogenesis, brain function, fertility, digestion, kidney activity and red blood cell production. If you are affected by thyroid disease, in particular autoimmune Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, you can take action to reduce the many associated symptoms, by adopting an anti-inflammatory diet and ensuring that your vitamin D, zinc or selenium levels are optimal!

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