Maintain optimal health at
with our wellness cures and stays.
Stays supervised by health professionals, to improve your physical and mental performance.

A rejuvenating cure
The aim of this treatment is to activate cellular regenerationpowerful detoxification and complete rejuvenation.

Detox cure
Cleanse your body and its natural filters of accumulated toxins, to regain optimal energy.

Cardiovascular cure
Clean up clogged arteries, to prevent life’s accidents (ictus, embolism or stroke).

Osteoarticular cure
The aim of this cure is to free oneself from pain, regain one’s axis and rebalance one’s body.

Fitness cure
The aim of this cure is to regain, for the duration of an extended weekend, fit and vitality.
Add life to your years and years to your life
Improve your mental and physical performance
Lose weight by improving your fat burning
Strengthen your immune system
Regulate your nervous system
Increase your resistance to stress
Strengthen your cardiovascular system
Improve your deep sleep
Lower your blood pressure
Boost your lung function

Recommended cures for :
- under pressure, who want to rebalance their lives
- who have lost their motivation or sense of purpose and are looking for a fresh start
- in good health, who wish to maintain their level of fitness or boost their immunity and well-being
- motivated by the development of their physical and mental capacities, in order to reach a new level.
Stay in exceptional locations
Discover the full potential of your body and mind, in our clinics in Andorra, Marbella, Monaco and Mauritius. Contact us to find out more about where you can enjoy our treatments.


Opening soon
Cures carried out under medical supervision
All our cures are carried out under medical supervision by health professionals.
After being welcomed and cared for by a doctor, our patients are monitored by nurses and an on-call doctor for the duration of their treatment.
The most important vital parameters are constantly monitored and care is provided close to a hospital.
Carrying out an in-depth health check .
Before the first week and also before each week of treatment, we offer you several options for the scope of the health check, tailored to your personal needs and objectives.
This can range from a very comprehensive and sophisticated health test carried out in specialized clinics to in-depth blood tests/epigenetic markers to monitor your key parameters throughout the process from week one; it will show you how much your biological age will decrease, week after week of treatments, year after year, as you invest time and effort in your health.
For more information or to book your Wellness stay
Leave us your contact details
Our medical advisor will contact you within 24 hours,
depending on your availability.
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